
Friday, October 28, 2011

Lynch Syndrome Update

UPDATE: to read the article from The Lancet, click here.

The next bit of research which will be conducted will be to establish an optimal dose (1 baby aspirin vs 1 adult aspirin vs 2 adult aspirin per day). If you have Lynch Syndrome, you can elect to enroll in their study - the form to contact the researchers can be found by clicking here.   Let's work together and find a way to prevent many Lynch-associated cancers!!!

Today was a big day in the lives of those with Lynch Syndrome. There is a new article published in the Lancet that showed a significant statistical difference in preventing colorectal cancer in Lynch syndrome patients with ingesting 600mg of aspirin daily for 2 years. It decreased its incidence by over 60%. And even better news - it also decreased the incidence of lynch syndrome-associated cancers as well. Sir John Burn is a dedicated researcher committed to finding a better prevention plan for those with lynch syndrome. His next step in research will consist of determining the lowest effective dose necessary to provide protection whilst providing the lowest amount of adverse effects due to large, daily doses of aspirin (such as gastric ulcers and very rarely cerebral hemorrhage).

For more information, check out the BBC's news report on this new research by clicking here.

I've been searching for the proper article online, but haven't been able to find it as of yet. Once I do and give it a good look-through, I'll be sure to translate it into understandable terms and share it with all of you. Ah, the idea of dramatically decreasing my risk of cancer by doing something as simple as taking a pill every day makes me so happy. I think I'll consider this a late happy-25th-birthday present! I would love to steer clear from the prophylactic hysterectomy/bilateral-oophorectomy/total colectomy that I may consider otherwise. This scary cancer syndrome makes me face my mortality daily, I have such a fear of developing cancer. Anything I could do to decrease my chances is worth having a go for me.

I'm meant to be studying OB-GYN...but here I am happily researching oncology, reading through the lancet, and enjoying what I am able to learn. I have a sneaking suspicion that oncology might be my calling after all...

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